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August 04, 2008


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Illya Arnet

Hi Amy
Great quote at the beginning. I was just looking into the book 'The world is flat' by Thomas Friedman before reading your post and felt it matched perfectly!

Can you see the parts Violeta highlighted? If not, join the diigo group to see them (yes, yet another tool!).


I found that the first week caused too much anxiety in some people because some others were trying to find a way (through technology, of course) to get organized. This meant finding a way to stay in contact with the participants' blogs which, in my opinion, is the place where the most interesting conversations take place. But these are just normal issues for the first week of many courses, I guess. Now that things seem to be settled down, I hope that the conversations start to flourish among groups through their blogs. I am still looking for my preferred connections but I guess those will come to surface naturally as soon as I start posting to my blog. At the moment I am just reading papers and blogs and thinking about our assignment for these two weeks. This is all new to me and I don't find it easy to rationalize about the subject yet.

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